Wednesday, December 30, 2009

Our 2nd Christmas as a full Family

This year was so much better than last, besides the obvious fact that no one pasted away we also tried spreading Christmas out this year over 2 1/2 weeks instead of two
days. So we spent Sunday the week before with my dad and that side, the next day with my grandfather, Christmas with my mom and the Smiddy's and finally Sunday of that week with Jossh, Ernie, Nannie and Jack.

It was less stressful and we were able to spend more time with each person. We stayed the night at dad's, didn't have to leave mom's without cleaning up and even got to stay and Jossh's. It was nice for Emmie to get to see as many people as possible. (Some of our family is just way to far away to visit. (CA, FL, WA, and of course where ever DB, Jeni, and EB are.)

I thought that everywhere we went was lots of fun. Dad and Joy got EmmaLynn a 4-wheeler which she loved, Papaw got to play "pop goes the teeth" (He has dentures)which is one of Emmie's favorite games. Carson and EmmaLynn got cameras and vacuum cleaners at Lala's, but most exciting for me was how much fun EmmaLynn had with Uncle Jossh. I didn't really expect him to be so playful with her. He got her a great Elmo toy but even better then that he played with her, rode in the back seat of the car with her, and even watched Dora episodes only slightly against his own will.

All together it was a great Christmas and I enjoyed it utterly too much.

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